Ensuring proper Switchboard Clearances is crucial for maintaining safety and functionality in electrical installations. Switchboards must be located and installed with adequate space, ventilation, and accessibility to prevent overheating, facilitate easy maintenance, and ensure safe emergency evacuations. Switchboard Location – General Requirements Switchboards should...
What makes an enclosure for an electrical switchboard weatherproof and suitable for outdoor use? There are number of requirements which are not as clear cut as you might think. IP Ratings, corrosion resistance and UV stability should all be considered when veryfying if an...
Electrical Switchboards – Overcurrent protection – overload, short circuit, discrimination and cascading Overcurrent Protection Overcurrent protection comes under two main categories, Overload protection and short circuit protection. Overload protection Overload protection aims to protect conductors from the thermal effects of passing more current than...
Main switchboards are the heart of electrical supply to buildings and infrastructure, so it’s critical to specify one that’s fit-for-purpose, Standards compliant, and tested to perform. Main switchboards are commonly found in large buildings, industrial facilities, and commercial establishments where there is a substantial...
Here we will go through some of the commonly asked basic questions on electrical switchboards. Switch board FAQs What does an electrical switchboard do? Essentially it does two things: 1) It divides up the power. In a switchboard you’ll normally have a...
AS/NZS 61439, effective in Australia and New Zealand from May 2021, brings with it the required updates on the regulations pertaining to low-voltage switchgear and controlgear. The new standard is a regional adaptation of the international IEC 61439 standard, doing away with the earlier...
For construction and demolition work, the provision of a temporary power source is very essential for large equipment, tools, and extension leads on site. In this regard, electrical contractors normally install a temporary switchboard that helps to supply power around the site for various...
Within household safety, there exists one major switch, albeit an oft-forgotten aspect. It is indeed an important factor that’s housed within your electrical panel, which protects your house and its occupants. When ensuring electric safety in a house, it is pertinent to understand how...
These are electrical devices used to measure alternating current. They produce a proportional secondary current in their output. However, revenue grade CTs are specially made to give highly accurate and reliable output typical of commercial and industrial applications, normally meant for billing and metering...
Split-core current transformers are devices that are central in electrical measurement and protection, ensuring that electrical systems are managed and monitored. If you are an electrical engineer or technician, or any other user simply interested in electrical components, getting to know more about split...